Hypnosis for Social Anxiety

Take the first step to changing your life

Fed up of your struggle with Social Anxiety?

One of the most common forms of anxiety or phobia is when dealing with social interactions and the public, and is entirely overcomeable.

A key hindrance when thinking about social anxiety is how often you believe people think of you when in reality you’d be amazed at how little they actually do!

A large number of my clients once suffered from social anxiety, and the moment they overcame the exhausting hurdles they genuinely wanted to shout about how amazing they felt! So please, don’t live with your phobia, we’re social creatures by nature so being afraid or anxious of social activity should not be holding you back. Whether you’re introverted or an extrovert, having comfort in social interactions should be a given.

hypnotherapy for social anxiety gloucestershire with claire mcnulty

Call me today for a friendly informal chat on 07765 182127

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Social Anxiety Hypnosis Gloucestershire

Social Anxiety stems from being worried about what others think of you, of them rejecting or judging your appearances or actions. Causing worry, stress and even panic when dealing with everyday situations.

Simple things like being worried about going to the supermarket, or freezing up if the thought of going to a party fills you with dread. Social obligations looming closer can cause you to hyper fixate on it, feeding into your anxiety that things will go wrong.

This can lead to you feeling like life is passing you by. You get to watch everyone else be happy having fun and not questioning things, while you’re scared or even outright against social interactions altogether.

Or even you have something you enjoy, and you have convinced yourself that it’s silly and that no one will like it or even laugh at you for enjoying something. These are common factors in Social Anxiety that really hold you back as a person.

Symptoms of social anxiety

You might experience anxiety in the following situations:

  • When meeting people, be they acquaintances or closer friends and family
  • Going to new places, or even shopping in public
  • Eating & drinking in front of others
  • Telephone calls, especially with others in proximity
  • When you’re the one talking in a group, or when talking to those in authority

What’s the next step?

It will be hard, but talking to someone about your social anxiety is the only way to fix it. I will offer my full support as a social anxiety therapist to help you or those you love to overcome the barriers set in place through your social anxiety.

It is a very common type of anxiety, and as such it is entirely possible to overcome. Please reach out today and I will show you how – I look forward to helping you.

Let’s Talk…

Book a complimentary consultation with me either by telephone or skype. We can have a chat about the things you want to change or achieve in your life and get you started on the right path.

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