Hypnosis for Addictions

Take the first step to changing your life

Free yourself from addiction

Has addiction taken over your ability to think clearly?

Do you worry about your actions, but continue anyway because “Hey, everyone does it”?

Are you convincing yourself that the short term effects far outweigh the damaging impact on relationships, health, finances and work life?

Well you weren’t born with an addiction, we all survive in different ways but anything you feel you’re reliant on can be unlearnt. Perhaps it isn’t you, but a friend, family member or colleague who suffers from addiction of some sort – I can help them become happier than before and completely non-reliant on addictive substances.

What I do is highly successful for those addicted to alcohol, cocaine, gambling and gaming.

hypnotherapy for addictions gloucester

Call me today for a friendly informal chat on 07765 182127

My Addiction Programme is very successful for cocaine addiction, gambling and gaming addictions.

Get in touch today to see how I can help you

Get your life back with hypnotherapy for addiction in Gloucestershire

Hypnosis has proven very effective in helping people free themselves from their addictions or addictive behaviour, this includes:

  • Gambling and addiction to games
  • Stopping smoking
  • Drinking large amounts of alcohol
  • Cocaine or other drugs
  • Sugar and food addiction

Maybe you’re feeling like you’re no longer in control of your addiction, worrying about never being free of how it affects you. Perhaps you’re feeling ashamed of what you have done or become when comparing yourself to how you were in the past. It’s common to hide things and try to cover up what you are doing, but reading this shows that you’re ready to free yourself from that grasp.

The difference of addiction and distraction

A lot of people will actually just be using what they consider an addiction simply as a distraction from the larger picture. They could be indulging in drinking, or taking drugs to prevent thinking about something else which could be the underlying issue. You occupy time previously spent worrying or being anxious with an immediate high or buzz, but ultimately feel the aftermath of guilt, feeling ashamed or even like you’ve lost control. The way I help people is through freeing themselves from their addictive behaviour and actual addictions through hypnotherapy. Please get in touch for a free consultation

Hypnotherapy Programme – Freedom from Addiction

I offer a specialised Addiction free programme which helps you to regain control. By understanding the way you think and what you think you need I can help break the cycle of destructive negative actions associated with addictive behaviour. I aim to empower you with my 1 to 1 sessions, they’re always insightful and free of judgement but can seriously help with my demonstrations on thoughts and motor action.

Over its course, your programme will teach you more about yourself and how you think, and also how to control these thoughts for the better. You’ll be able to take complete control over your life again.

I’m always free for a chat on overcoming your addiction – call me today for a complimentary telephone or 1 to 1 consultation. I look forward to helping you help yourself.

To your success

hypnosis gloucestershire

Contact me today to arrange your complimentary consultation

Let’s Talk…

Book a complimentary consultation with me either by telephone or skype. We can have a chat about the things you want to change or achieve in your life and get you started on the right path.

Arrange Your Free Consultation


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